Brand Karma & TrustYou Partner to Bring Hotel & Tourism Brands the Best of Reputation Management & Virtual Reality

TrustYou to take over Brand Karma’s reputation management product; Brand Karma focuses on virtual reality (VR)

4 min read

Munich and Singapore – Today Brand Karma and TrustYou announce a strategic partnership, bringing together TrustYou's powerful reputation management tools and Brand Karma's digital innovation in virtual reality (VR).

The needs of the travel enterprise continue to evolve. Hotels now need to unify a complex mix of traveler feedback from reviews, social media, and guest survey data to delight the guest and stay competitive. At the same time, new media platforms are rapidly changing travel distribution, with virtual reality revolutionizing hotel sales and marketing.

As part of this partnership, all of Brand Karma's clients will gain access to the full benefits of TrustYou Analytics, including the most advanced online reputation management and semantic analysis, reporting, competitive benchmarking, guest satisfaction surveys and more. In addition to TrustYou Analytics, clients will have access to TrustYou's Meta-Reviews, which allow hotels to encourage more direct bookings by providing travelers with a complete overview of their reputation on their own site.

Benjamin Jost, TrustYou's co-founder and CEO, notes, "Brand Karma's cloud marketing services emphasize social media optimization and revenue analytics, while TrustYou focuses solely on online reputation management, guest surveys and Meta-Reviews. We're pleased to embark on this partnership to jointly offer the best technology and client service to hotel and travel brands on a global scale, as well as expand TrustYou's presence throughout Asia Pacific."

Brand Karma is a pioneer in new media for the travel industry, bringing the latest digital platforms to the world's most-admired hospitality brands. Over the past six months, the company has created hundreds of virtual reality experiences for hotels, destinations, conferences, and events.

"Virtual reality today is where social media was 10 years ago when we started our business; its potential for sales and marketing is immense. We're excited to partner with TrustYou to ensure that our combined global client base gets the best of current and new media," said Morris Sim, co-founder and CEO of Brand Karma.

While Brand Karma and TrustYou may have been looked at as competitors in the past, their services are now highly complementary. The firms are working closely together in client support, product development, digital innovation, and sales.

About Brand Karma

Brand Karma creates immersive virtual reality (VR) experiences for the world's most-admired travel and luxury brands. Combining its ten-year history in both software development and content marketing, Brand Karma has created the ultimate VR studio focused on the travel and luxury sectors. By providing cutting edge tools and creative expertise, Brand Karma helps brands drive sales by thrilling and delighting their customers.

Über TrustYou

TrustYou optimiert Kommunikations- und Feedback-Prozesse in der heutigen, schnelllebigen Geschäftswelt. Mit dem Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung vereinter Kommunikationskanäle konzentriert sich das Unternehmen darauf, sofortige Antworten über bevorzugte Kundenkanäle bereitzustellen. Das Zuhören von Gästefeedback ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil, um Kunden zufriedenzustellen, Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu verbessern und die allgemeine Geschäftsstrategie zu optimieren.

Im Mittelpunkt von TrustYou steht die Customer Experience Platform (CXP), eine stabile Lösung, die nahtlose Kundeninteraktion ermöglicht. CXP ermöglicht es Unternehmen:

TrustYou setzt sich dafür ein, es Unternehmen möglich zu machen, Vertrauen aufzubauen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und in ihren Branchen erfolgreich zu sein. Erfahren Sie mehr über TrustYou und unsere CXP-Plattform unter

Über unsere Plattformen

Customer Experience Platform (CXP): TrustYou's "CXP" (Customer Experience Platform) gewinnt an Bedeutung und bietet essentielle Kundeninformationen auf einen Blick. Diese innovative Lösung liefert handlungsorientierte Informationen, die auf spezifische Bedürfnisse auf Objekt- und Kettenebene zugeschnitten sind und neue Standards in der Branche setzen.

Customer Data Platform (CDP): TrustYou präsentiert stolz die Customer Data Platform (CDP) als Antwort auf die wachsende Nachfrage nach verbesserten datengetriebenen Einblicken und Personalisierung. Diese innovative Lösung sammelt und konsolidiert Kundendaten aus jedem Kundenkontaktpunkt, um einheitliche Kundenprofile zu erstellen und Einblicke in das Kundenverhalten in der gesamten Organisation zu bieten. In einem zweiten Schritt integrert sich CDP mit Best-of-Breed-Marketingzielen wie Mailchimp und Google Ads, um effektive Marketingkampagnen durchzuführen und Direktbuchungen zu erhöhen.

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